Monday, June 17, 2013

Our last day of school is tomorrow. I am sad to be leaving my old job share partner and school but am excited for what the future holds. Hopefully I will be in a new grade with a new job share partner and at a new building next year. ( I interview Thursday) in a month my little baby boy ( or big toddler boy) will be 2. The time has gone by so quickly. He is bright, adventurous, and beautiful. He makes me laugh and smile everyday. I cannot imagine my life without him. He is really starting to talk a lot and loves to joke and sing. We had a great Father's Day weekend and I am so blessed for my son to have such an amazing dad! 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Busy times with Aunty K

My twin sister is moving to Arizona in a few weeks so we have been spending a lot of time with her so she can get some " Lew" time before she leaves. On Friday I had to work and she took him to " Jump Rattle and Roll" and to the park. Then on Saturday we took him to the Children's museum at the Factoria mall. Lewis does not know what to think about the jump place. The fans scare him so he does not like to go inside the jumps but likes everything else there. He loved pretty much everything at the children's museum!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lewis is now 11 months old. I cannot believe my little baby will be a year old in 2 weeks and 5 days!  He crawls all over  pulls himself up and gets into everything! He loves blocks, balls, and food! A few days ago he made up his mind and now he will not take bottles anymore. If we put one near his mouth he clenches his mouth shut and take his finger and moves the nipple so that milk gets every where. When given it in his hands he throws it on the floor! He will take milk in a sippy cup. He also will not take straight formula anymore so we have been doing half formula and half whole milk. He can walk holding just our pinky fingers. He also walks the couches, walls, and anything else that can hold his weight.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Lewis is now 7 months and 2 weeks old. He is starting to figure out how to move around. It is not your typical crawling yet it is more like pushing off the ground with his legs and sliding on his face. He also has figured out how to crawl with one leg but sometimes he ends up rolling over on accident when he is really trying to get somewhere. I know it won't be long until he is actually crawling. We are enjoying this slow moving mode of getting places. As far as food goes he loves to eat. His newest favorite is baby yogurt. He would eat cartons of it if I would let him. He is also getting really good with the pincher grasp and although we only introduced this a little over a week ago he is already eating baby puffs like a pro. He also loves eating little pieces of avacado and kiwi fruit.... they are a little bit too slippery for him to eat on his own right now. I cannot feed him fast enough. As soon as the spoon goes in he is already yelling for more!